The power of ions

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The power of ions

Privacy policyPrivacy Policy

The following approaches are done on the "Tokyo Omotesando Brand Promotion Office" site for the protection of personal information.
1.“Tokyo Omotesando Brand Promotion Office" will protect your privacy. We will protect your personal information that we learned through the inquiry, etc.
2.Personal information obtained from the users or questioners of this site will not be used for the purposes other than authorized by the users or questioners beforehand.
3.Personal information will not be disclosed or provided to a third party without the consent of the user.
4.Personal information remains accurate and updated, thus appropriate measures shall take place against the prevention of any unauthorized access, loss, damage or falsification of the personal information.
5.When users request to confirm, correct or delete their personal information, Tokyo Omotesando Brand Promotion Office will correspond to it online immediately.
6.Personal information that we hold through this site comply with laws and ordinance and protect, maintain and improve each item mentioned above.

Personal information handling rules
Deletion of personal information

Tokyo Omotesando Brand Promotion Office immediately delete the obtained personal information after using them to provide its business services.

Provide personal information to the third party

Tokyo Omotesando Brand Promotion Office comply the following rules for the obtained personal information.
1.Personal information may be provided to the outsourced suppliers for selecting an appropriate business supplier.
2.Personal information that are not registered shall be deleted immediately and also any obtained document shall not be stored more than 12 months.
3.Any customer’s personal information shall not be disclosed, provided to the third party.
4."Tokyo Omotesando Brand Promotion Office" will not share your personal information with third parties without your permission.

Please contact to the following for consulting the handling of personal information.

※This site may be changed

October 01, 2015 September 04, 2019 revision
Tokyo Omotesando Brand Promotion Office

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